Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementation – EURO-2012
European football championship of the year 2012 (EURO-2012) was the 14th championship usually held once in four years under the auspices of UEFA. Tournament was held by both Ukraine and Poland from the 9th of June till the 1st of July 2012. It was the third tournament in the history of the European national football championships to be hosted by two countries. The first such championship was in 2000, held in Belgium and the Netherlands, the second was eight years later, in 2008, and it was hosted by Austria and Switzerland.
To host European football championship in 2012 Ukraine had to transform into the new state with well developed infrastructure. Among the most important tasks that had to be carried out while preparing for the championship were the following: to sign several agreements, to finish the construction of the airports “Borispol”, “Kiev”, “Donetsk”, “Lvov”, to improve the state of the roads in the hosting cities, to arrange the guest areas for thousands of tourists and so on.
A lot of questions on the preparation for EURO-2012 are related to the project implementation period, political situation in the country and other circumstances that can lead to both positive and negative consequences.
State program adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers on the 14th of April assigned for the EURO – 2012 preparation 26 billion hrn.
To control the money given by UEFA to hold the 2012 European football championship, ERP-system on Microsoft Dynamics NAV platform was chosen.
In November 2009 started the project on automation of all regional UEFA offices – central representative office in Switzerland, offices in Poland and Ukraine; it was put into commercial operation on the first of January, 2010.
Consulting company SMART business was chosen as the official localization partner in Ukraine. Specialists of the company were responsible for the following tasks completion: fiscal accounting, bookkeeping, personnel records automation, payroll according to the national standards as well as the implementation of the settings for the Ukrainian reporting consolidation and converting according to IFRS.
Systematic and integrated management of the financial activity, implemented by SMART business, formed the basis for maximum efficiency of the preparations for EURO-2012.
Unification procedures for Ukraine and Poland were carried out within the project, and interface was optimized for the end-user in such a way that time was saved and mistakes were nullified, moreover, the problem of the reporting in foreign currency at the market rate of the country to show management reporting in the current form was solved easily and quickly.
Today operations held in Ukraine and Poland are represented in local currency according to the local legislation, and also in euro for the reporting in IFRS. With the help of the system users form periodic regulatory and fiscal reporting. ERP-system has become a common data repository for all business processes in UEFA. The system was being supported by SMART business consulting company during the entire project till the year 2013.
«Today consolidated reporting on all countries is stored in the system. It gives the opportunity to analyze financial flows, to track their effectiveness, and the structure of information allows to review data in the most convenient form. Due to the automation, significantly less time is now needed to complete the reporting, and the probability of the mistakes is much lower, too».
Adam ZuchnyakBudget manager, UEFA (Switzerland)
«Microsoft Dynamics NAV, along with international standards, meets the requirements of the Ukrainian legislation and standards of bookkeeping and fiscal accounting in Ukraine. Therefore when you enter data into the system for the first time you automatically get the reporting in two standards». — says Igor Leshchuk, financial director at Ukrainian office of UEFA.
Igor LeshchukFinancial director, Ukrainian office of UEFA
«Implementation of this project was a very important step in the preparation of Ukraine for EURO-2012, because implemented system enabled to manage money flows in a consolidated way, that is, to eliminate possible risks, what is substantial considering significance of the event. Execution of such projects requires profound knowledge of the subject, understanding of functionality, as well as methodology of the system implementation, therefore specialists of our company are certified in ACCA, PMI, Microsoft Dynamics and have great experience in solving problems of this particular type».
Kirill RudnevSales Director, SMART business
Additional information
European football championship of the year 2012 (EURO-2012) is a football tournament for the European countries, held once in four years under the auspices of UEFA.
For more details on products and services of the company please visit the site www.uefa.com.
SMART business is a rapidly growing consulting company that provides modern solutions for the effective business management, services in the sphere of implementation and development of the business systems by Microsoft company on Microsoft Dynamics platform for the enterprises of different spheres and types of ownership.
For more details on products and services of SMART business company please call +38 (044) 585-35-50 or visit the site smart-it-prod.azurewebsites.net.
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