Microsoft Dynamics NAV Implementation at Rijk Zwaan
About company
Rijk Zwaan is an international company engaged in breeding and seed crops, as well as the delivery of high quality vegetable seeds for professional cultivation in closed (greenhouses, film cover tunnels) and open fields. The company is headquartered in the Netherlands.
Rijk Zwaan has been on the market for more than 80 years now, is among the top five vegetable seed companies and is represented almost everywhere in the world.
According to the corporate standards, in all Rijk Zwaan offices trade is conducted with the help of ABS (Agro Business Solution).
Earlier in the Ukrainian office of the company Rijk Zwaan, along with ABS, 1С system was used for bookkeeping, fiscal and regulation reporting. However, the system did not meet the requirements of the company, as it did not cover half of the all business processes – all corporate reporting needed to be done in Excel, what was quite time consuming and exhausting for the employees.
Rijk Zwaan’s top management decided to find an ERP-system, that would optimize the mentioned processes. The main tasks of the project were: to implement the localization for bookkeeping and fiscal accounting according to the Ukrainian standards, to optimize financial flows and to translate the interface.
Rijk Zwaan’s corporate strategy perceives Microsoft Dynamics NAV along with the ABS system as a single standard for all company offices.
Ukrainian consulting company SMART business became the official localization partner in Ukraine, its team consists of highly qualified professionals who have great experience in dealing with this type of tasks.
The project had two basic stages: training on how to work in the system productively and adjusting the system according to the given tasks.
Ukrainian subsidiary of Rijk Zwaan switched to Microsoft Dynamics NAV in January of 2010. Financial accounting, accounting of funds, fixed assets accounting, payments to accountable persons, suppliers, VAT were automated within the project, as well as documents import from АВS system into Microsoft Dynamics NAV was well organized.
«Implementation of the system is not solely about an installation of the applications, it’s аlso about changing the business processes and perceptions of the users. Business development depends on the effectiveness of the work in every district. Microsoft Dynamics NAV improves business processes and general efficiency of the enterprise management».
Kirill RudnevSales Director, SMART business
Rijk Zwaan’s Ukrainian subsidiary was the 12th among international offices using ERP-system Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
«Microsoft Dynamics NAV, along with the Ukrainian standards of bookkeeping and fiscal accounting, is fully consistent with the international standards, what is especially important because our company is represented almost everywhere in the world. Further plans of the company include fiscal and regulatory reporting automation».
Antonina SolodovnikChief accountant, Rijk Zwaan Ukraine
Additional information
Rijk Zwaan is an international company engaged in breeding and seed crops, as well as the delivery of high quality vegetable seeds for professional cultivation.
For more details on products and services of the company Rijk Zwaan please visit the site www.rijkzwaan.com.ua.
SMART business is a rapidly growing consulting company that provides modern solutions for the effective business management, services in the sphere of implementation and development of the business systems by Microsoft company on Microsoft Dynamics platform for the enterprises of different spheres and types of ownership.
For more details on products and services of SMART business company please call +38 (044) 585-35-50 or on the site smart-it-prod.azurewebsites.net.
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