Microsoft Dynamics NAV Implementation at Rhenus Logistics
About company
Rhenus Logistics Group of companies is a leading European logistics operator, providing the whole range of logistics services: international forwarding of all types of transport, warehousing and distribution of goods, as well as planning and coordination of the entire supply chain. Rhenus Logistics Group of companies has more than 290 subsidiaries, located in the industrial centers around the globe.
Rhenus Revival (3PL-оperator) is the part of Rhenus Logistics. Representative office of the company in the Obukhov city has been working for more than 15 years now and has a warehouse area of 40,000 square meters. Rhenus Revival offers its clients in Ukraine comprehensive service: on imports from Europe by truck, transportation by rail, sea and air routes, Customs clearance, provision of warehousing, delivery of goods to the final consumer and its reception by the final customer. Аlso, the company manages bonded warehouse with an opportunity to store the products during the period of up to three years without the necessity to undergo customs clearance procedures.
WMS Solution (Warehouse Management System) was implemented in the company, the system providing automation of the warehouse management processes on the platform Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Due to it the whole cycle of product flow was implemented with consideration of 3PL-operator features (consolidation of freight, movement of pallets, packaging and repackaging processes, optimization of the racks, etc.).
The company develops constantly, offering new services in the sphere of logistics. Often limited time is assigned to implement software, what makes it hard when the company relies solely on its own IT-department.With this regard appeared the necessity to periodically support and implement specific solutions on the base of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
After the completion of the WMS system implementation SMART business offered to continue the development of the system by transport management automation, mobile devices connection, by the launch of enterprise management planning and introduction of the financial accounting module.
The first stage of the described development is completed, so the processes of the reception and shipment control of the goods are already organized with the help of Hand-held terminals (mobile terminal, working under Windows CE management, equipped with a barcode scanner and wireless connection module).
«The main task of SMART business was to provide flexible and customized solution for the automation of the warehouse staff work. eSMART solution on Microsoft Dynamics NAV became such an instrument».
Kirill RudnevSales Director, SMART business
eSMART is a solution with the help of which it is possible to build B2B or B2C portals based on the integration of Microsoft Dynamics and web technologies (working with the system via Internet).
With the help of Internet Explorer, via a special page, using only service barcodes and barcodes of the documents or goods, user chooses the needed document, compares the goods and imports the quantity.
Logic of the process is built in such a way that typical mistakes for warehouses like regrading and unauthorized reception of surplus or shortage are totally eliminated.Result
«This solution enabled to accelerate reception and shipment (to double the speed of the mentioned processes) and to nullify the number of mistakes made at shipment. It reduces the costs and improves the reputation of Rhenus Revival in the eyes of our customers».
Bogdan OnoykoCIO, Rhenus Revival Ukraine
Additional information
Rhenus Revival is a logistics 3PL-operator, providing the whole range of logistics services: international forwarding of all types of transport, customs brokerage, warehousing, distribution of goods, as well as planning and coordination of the entire supply chain.
For more details on products and services of the company Rhenus Revival please visit the site: www.ua.rhenus.com.
SMART business is a rapidly growing consulting company that provides modern solutions for the effective business management, services in the sphere of implementation and development of the business systems by Microsoft company on Microsoft Dynamics platform for the enterprises of different spheres and types of ownership.
For more details on products and services of SMART business company please call +38 (044) 585-35-50 or visit the site smart-it-prod.azurewebsites.net.
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