Microsoft Dynamics NAV Implementation at Johnson & Johnson Ukraine
Johnson & Johnson Ukraine
About company
Johnson & Johnson — the largest manufacturer of products for human health, medicines and medical equipment. Is among the largest American companies, according to «Fortune» magazine. Corporation has around 250 subsidiaries. Johnson & Johnson production is sold in more than 175 countries.
In CIS countries there are three types of products: for hospitals, consumer and pharmaceutical products.
In 2008, during the opening in Ukraine of Johnson & Johnson consumer products official department, implementation of the system that would support the entire process of product selling. Company considered solutions from many manufacturers, however it chose Microsoft Dynamics NAV, as it is the most suitable for the problem solving that the company encounters.
The goal of the project was to create the unified information system for enterprise management, automation of the entire sales cycle that would allow to form complete and accurate reporting on trade and financial activity.
In the beginning of 2008 in the Ukrainian subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson implementation process of Microsoft Dynamics NAV for business processes automation (sales, purchasing, financial accounting, storage operations accounting) has begun.
The second phase of the project is the development of integration with Head-office on the SOA base, according to the Hub & Spoke scenario. Such a solution ideally addresses the needs of the distributed structure of the company, departments and branches, that are located in different countries and which activity is versatile (manufacturing separately, trade missions separately).
Kirill RudnevSales Director, SMART business
Systems integration according to the scenario Hub & Spoke allows to: exchange data effectively, make purchases, manage sales, work with the clients and suppliers, with the warehouse in real time, track any critical parameters of the company, react timely on rapidly changing conditions of business environment and to rationalize business processes significantly.
The system is being exploited since June 2008. Implemented solution enabled to: automate and optimize business processes, accelerate the process of orders handling on 80 % and get rid of operating load on specialists who work with the clients, by that, to improve the quality of the service.
Today the system covers 90% of business processes. Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables to solve existing tasks successfully and fully corresponds with our current needs, but also gives opportunities for functional scaling. further plans of the company are: automation of the fiscal accounting and integration with the other corporate systems of the company.
Vladimir FedoretsIT & Business communications supervisor, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Ukraine
Additional information
Johnson & Johnson — leading world manufacturer of medication, body products and medical equipment.
Further information on products and services of Johnson & Johnson you can get on the site:
www.jnj.com или www.jnjru.ru.SMART business is an actively developing consulting company that provides modern solutions for effective business management, service in the sphere of implementation and development of business systems by Microsoft on the Microsoft Dynamics® platform for enterprises of different spheres and types of ownership.
Get more information on products and services of SMART business: +38 (044) 585-35-50 or on the site smart-it-prod.azurewebsites.net.
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