Microsoft Dynamics NAV Implementation at Antonio Merloni S.p.A. Group of companies
About company
Antonio Merloni S.p.A. Group of companies is one of the largest manufacturers in Europe, that has been producing industrial products of the highest technological level for more than fourty years now.
The company specializes in the production of the large household appliances: refrigeration (refrigerators, freezers, chest freezers), washing machines, dryers and washer-dryers, dishwashers, cookers, hoods, and the whole range of embedded technology. One of the key brands of the group of companies is a household appliances trade mark ARDO.
All appliances that are manufactured by the group of companies are certified by the European Union and meet all the strict quality, environmental impact, energy conservation and efficiency requirements (ISO 9001, 14001 certificates and other).
Antonio Merloni S.p.A. Group of companies is known in many countries of the world for the high quality, wide range, excellence in design and functionality of the products.Situation
After the production plant was opened in Ukraine, to guarantee the further dynamic development of the business decision was made to implement the ERP-system that would allow to integrate all business processes within one single information space.
«It’s crucial for our company to have information of good quality when it is needed. High standards of the Antonio Merloni S.p.A. require accurate accounting and planning, completeness and clarity of the information».
Igor SkibizkiyManager of manufacture planning, Ukrainian household appliances (Merloni Group of companies)
The company was choosing among several products. But finally the decision was made to implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0. Comparatively low cost of the ownership and high degree of necessary business processes coverage served as the main preconditions.
The implementation project was divided into two main stages. Financial module that included localization of the bookkeeping and fiscal accounting was introduced in the first place. It allowed to perform accounting in the system long before the manufacturing line was launched.
The second stage was about logistics and manufacturing automation. Logistics business processes included the whole commodity turnover cycle, from the materials and components order till complete goods shipment from the warehouse. Consolidated planning on the base of sales prognosis was carried out as well as records of completion and orders scheduling in prepack shops and on the final assembly line, load management of the final assembly line.
On the second stage the ultimate goal of the automation was reached at using only 90% of standard functionality. Substantial development took place only in the CRP (Capacity Resource Planning) module, the so called «Master leveling line» was developed.«Characteristic feature of the project was the fact that the implementation was carried out along with business development on the territory of Ukraine, what allowed to build implementation logic, using standard functionality with minimum revisions. It allowed to completely avoid possible risks, always present in this type of implementation procedure».
Kirill RudnevSales Director, SMART business
Due to the project all aspects of the company’s activities are now automated: finance, logistics, sales, manufacture. Ukrainian localization and management reporting according to the international standards were implemented. Aside from the international standards complete solution fully met the requirements of the Ukrainian legislation in the sphere of bookkeeping and fiscal accounting.
Additional information
Antonio Merloni S.p.A. Group of companies — one of the largest manufacturers of household appliances in Europe, specializing in the production of large household appliances.
For more details on the products of Antonio Merloni S.p.A. Group of companies please visit the site www.antoniomerloni.it.
SMART business — rapidly growing consulting company that provides modern solutions for the effective business management, services in the sphere of implementation and development of the business systems by Microsoft company on Microsoft Dynamics platform for the enterprises of different spheres and types of ownership.
For more details on products and services of SMART business company please call +38 (044) 585-35-50 or visit the site smart-it-prod.azurewebsites.net.
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